Samba (INT/ADV) | Samba no Pe | Wednesdays, 8-9pm | 677 Davie St


Samba (INT/ADV) | Samba no Pe | Wednesdays, 8-9pm | 677 Davie St

from CA$25.00

8:00pm | The Dance Centre | 677 Davie St | Wednesdays

Save 20% on a one-month pass, or get a unlimited monthly all-class pass for 40% off

For the experienced samba dancer, this class led by Halie will drill your samba resistencia, style, and technique. Sharpen your choreography-learning skills and samba speed with a new challenging samba choreo or technical sequence each week accompanied by strength training and passista drills, and the signature Samba Fusion high-energy style! Heels are not required for this class but highly recommended. Please ensure your dance shoes do not have a marking sole (no black or rubber marks left behind on the floors of the studio).

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